Nokia Kraków

Nokia for women

New technologies are open for everyone. Many myths and stereotypes have been born around the role of women in this industry over the years. We are here to break them all.

Girls 4 Girls

Girls for Girls is a cyclical project addressed to women interested in the IT industry, new technologies and telecommunications. From 2015, we encourage women to learn to program and to test and change the work sector.

During the Girl 4 Girls events, technical lectures, practical workshops and consultations with Nokia employees are held. The program of the event is adapted to the needs of the participants.

We have already organized programming workshops on Python (divided into 3 difficulty levels) and the Robot Framework. With each subsequent edition of G4G, the number of participants grows, and the program is constantly enriched.

We also organize regular webinars with our colleagues, who talk about their work, the
process of changing the industry, the career path and the possibilities of the industry.

The latest information can be found on the official Facebook profile.

Mentoring TechLeaders

Our colleagues became mentors in the 4-month free Tech Leaders mentoring program. The program is aimed at women who want to start a career or develop their skills in the area of IT and new technologies.